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Vancouver Island Safety Council - Rider Training for Motorcycle and Scooter Riders - Part 2

13 December 2020 14,892 views No Comment

Preparing for the ICBC Motorcycle Road Test

Over the last few weeks since taking my VISC courses (both the Basic Course and the Traffic Course) I have been trying to get quite a bit of practice in. Did a little bit every day - some reviewing of the written materials. some working on my own bike doing pre-ride checks, and some riding every day.

The figure 8’s at the U-turns that seems so challenging in class are now feeling very comfortable.

My ICBC Road test is tomorrow.

Where the Rubber meets the Road - The ICBC Road Test for Motorcycle Riders

……Went to the ICBC testing center  and they were expecting me (since you have to have your appointment pre-booked). I was introduced to the pleasant but businesslike fellow who was to be my examiner.

Pre-Ride Checks

Make sure you have your learner’s license and ID with you and that you are appropriately dressed to ride. They give you the once over from head to toe and I am sure that if anything was out of place the test would probably end before it got started.

We walked outside and did a pre-ride check which consisted of checking the bike for mirrors, working headlight, working turn signals, and horn. Again, if any of these did not work, the test would be over right then and there.

They hook you up with a vest and a one way speaker - they talk to you and it comes through pretty loud and clear on the speaker clipped to the vest they provide.

They tell you that they will follow you in a car that contains a driver and the examiner. The examiner gives lots of lead time in the instructions. He also tells you what to do if you get separated. On two occasions I made it through a light that the examiner car did not and had to pull over and wait - no big deal.

Riding the Road Test

The ride lasted over 1/2 hour from what I can recollect and the test is thorough.


  • Stopping at the appropriate stop lines at stop lights, stop signs, and uncontrolled intersections.
  • Signaling for turns and canceling signals after the turn
  • School zone/ playgrounds
  • Not crossing a solid white line on any lane changes
  • shoulder checks, shoulder checks, and more shoulder checks
  • proper merging onto the highway and exiting off the highway
  • Navigating a small traffic circle in a residential neighborhood
  • U-turn on a quiet residential street with proper signals and shoulder checks
  • Keeping the proper speed - not too fast or too slow

I may have missed a few things in this description but you get the idea that they look at a good cross section of skills.

Those who say that it is no problem and that you can pass without reading the manuals or practice are serious bullshitters, very lucky, or don’t tell you about the 3 times they failed before they finally passed.

When you go back to the test center, they take you inside to review the test.

I passed with flying colours and I have the Vancouver Island Safety Council Training to thank for that.

My results were not perfect - claimed I did not do every shoulder check (I think I did but maybe not obvious enough to the examiner.)

Now fully licensed and ready to roll with all restrictions removed.

For more information contact:

Scooter Underground


Vancouver Island Safety Council

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