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Is green mass transit a big myth?

2 March 2021 1,475 views No Comment

We are always on the lookout for research on the environmental impact of scooters, motorcycles, and electric bikes.  This is a very interesting article by Brad Templeton http://www.templetons.com/brad/transit-myth.html

It seems that many forms of mass transit are not very green due to both the technologies being employed and the utilization factors. For example, full buses are very green but buses that average 9 passengers are very dirty. Ditto for cars. In a carpool with 4 passengers they are pretty good but that is seldom the case.

This article provides a lot of neat statistical information based on some US data. It stimulates a lot of thought. The short story is that mass transit is good, but only if we can get the utilization up. Scooters and motorcycles are one of the greener forms of transport for commuters.

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