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Motorcycle and Scooter Helmet Safety

3 July 2021 15,009 views No Comment

Interesting diagram shows the impact areas on crash-involved motorcycle helmets.

(Source: Dietmar Otte, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Abteilung Verkehrsunfallforschung, Germany.)

Note that 35% of all crashes showed major impact on the chin-bar area. This means that if you ride with an open-face helmet, you are accepting only 65% of the protection that could be available to your head.
If people ride with a shorty or half helmet, they are accepting only 39% of the protection they could obtain. They are literally throwing away 61% of the protection they would have had had they chosen a full-face helmet.

At Scooter Underground we always recommend a full face helmet as your main helmet, especially the one you may be using for daily commuting.

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