How Far?
This bike, equipped with Sanyo's eneloop Lithium Ion battery, will give the rider a range of:
Expected riding distances*:
• Up to 25-30 km in Standard Mode – no charging while riding (with the motor engaged)
(based on company start & stop driving pattern)
• Up to 30-35 km in Power-Up Mode – regenerative charging via braking only
(based on company continuous riding pattern without stopping)
• Up to 60 km in Auto Mode – full regenerative charging
(based on company continuous riding pattern without stopping—maximum distance)
How Fast?
Federal and Provincial regulations limit electric bicycles to 32 km/hr peak speeds. We anticipate the Sanyo eneloop to go about 25 km/hr but we have not yet clocked it using our own GPS tests.
Please ask our experts for more information.
How Much?
MSRP: $2,299 plus taxes
Who's It For?
The Sanyo eneloop is one of the newest and most exciting electric bicycles to come to Canada in a long time. Sanyo has long been a leader in battery technologies and this new electric bike is a great place for Sanyo to showcase the enellop battery in a green mode of transportation. They are even thinking of solar charging stations for these bikes. The Sanyo eneloop is particularly rider friendly due to its versatile low step through design design making it effortless to mount and dismount. The direct drive motor with regenerative capabilities gives ample power and a long battery life. We will be providing more data and information based on our "real world" tests.
Sanyo Eneloop electric bicycle
The three-speed eneloop bike makes battery-assisted transportation easier on the rider and the environment. For example, its “Loop Charge Function” simultaneously conserves rider and lithium-ion battery energy and makes the Synergetic Hybrid Bicycle a regenerative form of transportation as it creates new energy while coasting or braking.
In addition, electric bike riding becomes smoother, more comfortable and less strenuous with the eneloop bike’s 1:2 human-power to motor assist ratio. Interestingly, SANYO was the first manufacturer to make an electric bicycle that meets this new eBike assist ratio standard in Japan, a standard which provides the rider enough pedal-assist power to facilitate commuting without awkwardly overpowering the rider’s pedaling efforts.
Additional eneloop bike features include:
• 250-Watt DC brushless motor
• 25.9 volt/5.7 Ampere-hour(Ah) lithium-ion battery
• Charge time ~ 3.5 hours
• Total bike weight ~ 23 kg
• Taillight brake lamp
• Handlebar panel switch
• High-intensity, flashing LED tail lamp that operate when the headlight is turned on and flash faster when braking
• Low frame and saddle design to allow easy step-through and mounting
• Seat that accommodates 26-inch framing
• Adjustable saddle with a range of 7 inches to accommodate riders of all heights
• Neatly-designed frame with internal cabling
• Shaped saddle with shock absorbing elastomer cushion to decrease rider fatigue